PROFESSIONAL THEATRE WOMEN'S AWARD CEREMONY GILDER/COIGNEY Theatre award was presented to Patricia Ariza from Colombia by the LPTW's International committee and Co-Chair, Sophia Romma.
On Wednesday October 29th, 2014, LA MAMA Theatre in association with The O'Neill Film and Theatrical Foundation and LPTW presented "Change-Making Theatre, a performance and panel event on the Theatre work of 21 women from 19 countries nominated in the 2014 Gilder/Coigney award. Americas Society during the Interview with Miriam Colon and awardee Patricia Ariza. At The League of Professional Women Theatre, with Joan Pottlitzer and Adriana Sananes.
Americas Society during the Interview with Miriam Colon and awardee Patricia Ariza. At The League of Professional Women Theatre, with Joan Pottlitzer and Adriana Sananes. Co Presidents Maxine Kern and Pamela Hunt with our Nominee Panelists at La MaMa. At The League of Professional Women Theatre, with Miriam Colón. With Charles Weldon during the NEC's Production of The Mire.