Format: In-Person
Program Fee:
Free for Members & Non-Lawyers | $15 for Non-Member Lawyers
Non-Lawyers please call Customer Relations at 212-382-6663 to register.
April 7 marks the International Day of Reflection on the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. April has also been designated as Genocide Awareness Month.
Please join us as we reflect on the 30th Anniversary of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda and acknowledge the start of the mourning period for the over million innocent men, women, and children who were mercilessly murdered in just 100 days. This remembrance event will commemorate and draw lessons from the Genocide. Panelists will discuss transitional and reparative justice responses to the Genocide, intergeneration transmission of trauma and ways to mitigate trauma-related intergenerational effects, sexual violence as a weapon of genocide and climates of hate as pre-cursors to ethnic violence and genocide. The panel will include survivors of the Genocide, who will share their testimonies about surviving the Genocide and their lives since.
Catherine van Kampen, Co-Chair, United Nations Committee, New York City Bar Association
Jacqueline Murekatete, Survivor & Founder, Genocide Survivors Foundation
Consolee Nishimwe, Survivor, Author & Global Human Rights Activist
Dr. Sophia Murashkovsky Romma, Co-Chair, United Nations Committee, New York City Bar Association
Dr. Michelle Sanders, Licensed Psychologist, Co-Founder, FAFI (Female Advocacy Foundation International), Advisory Board Member and Co-Chair Yazidi Working Group, International Center for the Multi-Generational Legacies of Trauma
Honorary UN Speaker:
Alice Wairimu Nderitu, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide
Closing Remarks:
His Excellency Ernest Rwamucyo, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Rwanda to the United Nations
Sponsoring Committee:
United Nations, Ervin Nina, Sophia Murashkovsky, & Catherine van Kampen, Co-Chairs
Cosponsoring Committees:
African Affairs, Melissa Verpile, Chair
Council on International Affairs, Mark A. Meyer, Chair
Cosponsoring Organizations:
Female Advocacy Foundation International (FAFI)
Genocide Survivors Foundation (GSF)
Garden of the Avant-Garde Film and Theatrical Foundation